Tag Archives: tenure

Adventures (?) in Academia — Sean

For class on Tuesday, I selected several forms from LaGuardia: yearly evaluation, class observation, and curriculum. I have experience with all of these things, so allow me to share a few personal stories. 

Tenure Track evaluation

I was hired after Muddle States came through and said that the college needed to upgrade the Speech Center and improve the students’ oral communication skills. So, they got a grant to build a computer-based language lab, and I was hired to run it.

I am a College Lab Tech, which is a tenure-bearing position, though I was not told this until about five months after I was hired. 

With our tenure track (different schools do things differently, though the basic guidelines are spelled out in the contract), we are given goals for the next year. In my case, two or three would be things the department of the administration wanted me to do, but the others were on me. 

This was ideal. I could make goals that I either knew I was going to do (present at a conference) or something I was planning on doing anyway (produce training materials for our software, for example). 

So, I had some power there.

One caveat: if you are given goals, complete them. You will hear about it if you don’t. 


Class observation

According to the contract, peer observations have to be set up in advance. They can;t just show up to your class. 

As a result, choose to teach something you’re comfortable with. For example, I’ve been teaching the basics of how English word stress works. I’ve done it so often, that I could probably teach it while medicated at this point. 

I am less comfortable teaching intonation. It’s more complicated than you think, and I have never found a way to simplify it. So… this is something I’d avoid. 


In both of these forms, you can respond. I never really felt the need. Most of the time, the criticisms I received in both of these evaluations were legitimate. 

But you can respond. You can also grieve them with the union, if something egregious happens. 



I’ve tangled with this twice:

  1. Revising Voice and Diction

This was more of a revision. The course was last revised int he late 80’s or early 90’s (the form was actually typewritten), and it needed to be updated as we were establishing our Communication Studies Major. 

The form (which has since been revised) was not easy to navigate, and because of its formatting, printing it out was a problem: the spacing on it would change, making the document unreadable. 

Still overall, this was not a horrible experience. 

  1. Proposing our Sports Media course

This, on the other hand, was a terrible experience. 

First, the college had changed what they wanted on the form. They wanted much more detail for example, but they never publicized this. So, we did it the same way I did Voice and Diction and we were slapped down hard. 

Second, some of the people on the committee didn’t understand the technology we were using. The two largest assignments in this class are podcasts, which means we have to use audio recording software. Two of the committee members doubted that this was possible. 

Third, department and college politics. Our film and television person (who was on the committee) felt that this class should have been in her area. Not Communication Studies, the English Department raised concerns because they felt we were stepping on their journalism courses, and the college was resistant because no other CUNY school had a sports comm course, so, clearly, there was no interest. 

 And even after this, we had to fight to get it into PAthways, which is another story.